Customer Reviews

Customer Testimonials

We love hearing from our customers, sometimes we get suggestions for new medals we could carry, new saints we can feature and new gifts we can stock. Our favourite emails are where we hear that we have made our customers happy! 

"Hi, thank you so much. I received my miraculous medal so promptly. I am absolutely thrilled with it and wear it with pride. I truly hope to order from you again and have absolutely no problem recommending you based on the wonderful service I received. It was so lovely to get a handwritten receipt and of course the chocolate was a lovely treat and a good excuse to have a cup of tea. Thank you so much once again"

A. R. Co Dublin

"Good Morning from Belfast I am writing to say a huge thank you as I received the watch for my wee nieces communion this morning. I am very, very impressed by the speed of the order as I dint expect it so quickly - the courier was at my door at 7:30am - and also the packaging and the added touch of the sweet and the lovely pen, a handwritten receipt made it feel personalised too, the small things matter! That’s what I call fabulous customer service. Well done. Thanks ???? feel free to use my email as a testimonial or whatever to encourage folk to shop with you, I will certainly be mentioning your name to my friends and family."

Cathy, Belfast

The items came today, so I am ready for my grand - nephew's Christening. Moreover, I now have your Miraculous Medal and chain on to bring me graces, and protect me. In truth, it was such a wonderful experience dealing with you! Seán, Cork